I’m excited for June. I feel like June is the official start of summer. It’s the month that most directly connects me to youth and childhood. It’s nice out (blistering hot is nice out to me as a southerner), and summer feels full of adventure and possibilities. May was a really hard month for me. I went through a lot of emotions this month, and I’m ready for the rebirth that summer will bring.

I’ve realized recently that I’m coming to a comfort point in my finances. The debt I have no longer feels like a burden because I have a plan for all of it. I’m excited about my savings and love to watch it grow. I don’t really worry too much about eating out or spending money here and there. It’s a nice place to be. However, I’m staying vigilant with myself because I know lifestyle inflation is real, and I am extremely susceptible. I think a healthy balance of treating myself and practicing self-discipline is key; I hope to continue to strike that balance.

As of June 1st, 2021, my net worth is


Already bouncing back from that purchase in April. I’m also really close to hitting my first $10,000 in investments. I’m so excited!

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