My New Year's Resolutions

In 2021, I’m attempting to build on the foundations I set for myself in 2020. I know it was a rocky year, but it caused a lot of us to rethink a lot of areas of our lives. Even though I don’t (and will never) have 100% clarity on the trajectory of my life, I like making plans that leave space for flexibility. I didn’t accomplish a TON last year, but this year, I’m hoping to be more tactical about my goals. I want to do quarterly check ins in addition to my monthly goal setting. I’ll link each update as we go! Without further ado:


New Year's Goal Progress
Free Time

The Goals

My 2021 Theme: Build

My 2021 Intention: I will create systems that propel me towards the ambitious plans I’ve laid for myself.


  1. Increase Water Intake
    1. First Quarter: 16 oz/day
    2. Second Quarter: 24 oz/day
    3. Third Quarter: 40 oz/day
    4. Fourth Quarter: 64 oz/day
  2. Exercise Consistently
    1. Find an exercise routine that works
    2. Stretch in the mornings
    3. Run a 5k each quarter: March, June, September, November/December
    4. Lose xx pounds
  3. Develop Healthy Eating Habits
    1. Lower sugar intake – sugar-free month
    2. Incorporate more vegetables into diet
    3. Have one vegan day each week
  4. Maintain a good sleep schedule
    1. Begin tracking sleep
    2. Get at least 8 hours a night


  1. Become debt free
    1. Finish pay off credit card debt by end of March
    2. Pay off Consolidation loan by June
    3. Pay off Student Loan by December
  2. Max out Roth IRA
  3. Create at least a $1,000 Emergency Fund


  1. (redacted for now) 
  2. Start a YouTube channel and grow subs
    1. Plan out videos in January; Launch in February
    2. Post 2x a month
    3. Learn editing techniques on After Effects (1 hr a week)
  3. Grow Instagram
    1. Make a content calendar
    2. Make an Instagram content calendar


  1. Learn a new skill each month
    1. January
    2. February – Knitting
    3. March – Make Up
    4. April – Networking
    5. May
    6. June – Proper Exercise Form 
    7. July – After Effects
    8. August
    9. September
    10. October
    11. November
    12. December
  2. Write every day
    1. Carry around a mini-journal like David Sedaris
    2. Write down something you’re thankful for each day
  3. Read 35 books this year – 2.5/month

Free Time

  1. Bake a new recipe each month
  2. Create Community
    1. Host an event for friends at least once a month
    2. Make it a point to reach out to others.
  3. Travel somewhere new every two months

Monthly Goals

Jan: Complete 5 Year plan

Feb: Send Valentine’s Cards to friends

Mar: Transition to my new position well

April: Plant something new

May: Do spring cleaning

June: Move Every Day

July: Embark on another minimalist challenge

Aug: Make a Fall Bucket List


Oct: Have a rad Halloween costume

Nov: Volunteer around Thanksgiving

Dec: Use Christmas Sinking Fund and expand gift giving

Oh wow, you got to the end of this? I like your dedication! Do you have any goals for the year? Want me to hold you accountable? I’d love to! Send me a message or a comment and baby, I’m yours! 

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