The first thing you should know about me: I’m indecisive. I have a lot of passions, and I didn’t know which one my personal website should reflect. Should I go the film route and showcase Briana the Filmmaker, complete with links to my Vimeo page and videos showcasing the good, the bad, and the ugly? Should I talk about personal finance and financial independence, a topic I’m slowly becoming OBSESSED WITH? Or should I lay it out like a blog, and talk about my life, my friends, my travels and everything in between?

After thinking it through, I realized I could reflect them all. In the past, I thought of myself as a Jack of all trades, but a master of none. I hated it! I felt like it meant I’d never be GREAT at anything. Now, I realize I’m okay with that! I can like a lot of things and do a lot of things because I’m multifaceted! I’m a human with interests and I can explore them all in this lifetime. So join me as I follow all the things I love. Maybe you’ll find your new balance.

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