As I’ve started to learn more about personal finance, one concept keeps creeping up over and over: NET WORTH. I’ve learned that a lot of personal finance bloggers post an ongoing account of their net worth, and I decided I want to do the same. I’m NOT saying I’m a personal finance blogger. I’m just posting into the abyss because I am a chronic oversharer. Still, I think posting my net worth for the net is worth a shot (I hate me for that too). I am SUPER susceptible to peer pressure (it’s why I often do work in coffee shops (that, and a good hipster latte – honey lavender I love you.)) which makes me think that posting my net worth for all to see will encourage me to raise it. So, at the risk of sharing what may showcase, not only my wins, but my biggest losses, my net worth as of 08/31/2019 (pay day!!!) is

-$17, 432.

Ain’t she a beaut? Here’s hoping knowing and tackling my net worth is the first step on my journey to wealth – not just having money, but being comfortable in my situation, and not having the fear and worry that comes from money. I want to have control of money; it won’t control me.

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