In June, I did some emotional spending. While I was doing it, I knew exactly what was up, but I still continued because I thought…I deserve this. In the month of June, I also started reading The Psychology of Money. One of the things I’ve quite enjoyed in this book is how Morgan Housel talks about the idea that even if we know the “rules” of how to be good with money, we’re still susceptible to stumbling because, guess what? We’re human.

I think in the past couple of months I’ve considered a lot of parts of my own humanity. Why do I do the things I do, and why do other people? Why do I have the goals I have and what am I working toward really? I think these are good questions to ask oneself every once in a while, but it can be difficult to grapple with the answers. I’ve always been a person who wants to be the best and make big waves. Now, I’m trying to be my best, and surprise, surprise, those two things ARE different. I’m working towards shifting the crux of my identity inward. I’m excited about what’s there to discover.

Anyway, enough existential rambling. Even though I’ve been super spendy, I’m continuing to make strides toward my big goal. As of July 3rd, 2021, my net worth is


It is a drop from my previous net worth number, but I think I’ll be able to bounce back fairly quickly. A big chunk, almost $1,000 worth went to taxes because I decided to withdraw my 403b from my previous company. I initially started a rollover in October 2020, but honestly the process was a hot mess. I tried to initiate it twice, one time having to send notarized documents that were never heard from again. It was frustrating, so I made the decision to just take the money out, take the tax hit and use it to pay off two debts. (I still plan on rolling over $2,000, so that’ll be nice). The biggest reason I decided to take the money out was the fact that it was just sitting there. That’s a sad story for another time. In better news, I bought a new domain name and I’m excited to get started using it. Until then, I’m going to keep moving forward and try my best not to look back.

One thought to “July 2021 Net Worth Update”

  • 三五笑话



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