Leap Day Net Worth

Happy Leap Day! I’m using my extra day of February like I used my other Saturdays this month: teaching English in the morning then taking the rest of my day to waste my precious time 🤙 I (kinda) know that resting and taking time to not think about my job isn’t actually wasting time, but it sure feels like it. I constantly feel behind, and I have to remind myself that rest and pause is important. It sounds pretty bizarre, but the Saturday (or Sunday) mornings where I check in with my finances are relaxing to me. I get to see where I’m at, celebrate my wins, and prepare to do better in the coming weeks. My favorites are Saturdays like today because 1.) I got paid yesterday, 2). I check my net worth growth, and 3). I get to plan my budget for the month! I just finished calculating my net worth, and as of February 29th, 2020, my net worth is


That $1700-dollar drop is brought to you by overpaying the federal government. Thank you, tax return! One of my new year’s resolutions was to have my credit card debt paid off by the end of March. Looking at what I have left, I think it’s more likely to happen mid-April rather than March, but I’m still looking forward to seeing those drop off! I’m so close!

Something that I looked at this time around that’s frustrated me is my private student loan; it seems like it’s barely budging. I pay more than the minimum each month, and more than half of my payment is eaten up by interest! It sucks! I’ve been planning to refinance it for a while, after I paid off my cards, but it may have to come this month. Looking at it absolutely kills me.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

Anyway, that’s it for me. As always, I’m hoping to keep this momentum, but I’m trying to keep stay realistic because Spring Break is at the end of the month. My goal is going to be at least break $10,000. Let me know it you’re taking this leap day seriously and jumping over everything you see.


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