I made it. You made it. We all survived January. I’m not sure how January felt SO LONG, and at the same time, I’m terrified that it’s already February 2020. I know we’re only two months in, but whoa we’re already two months in. In January, I embarked on the Frugalwoods Uber Frugal Month, and man was it so helpful in shifting my mindset about spending and frugality. I know that I will never be the level of frugal as the Frugalwoods, but I don’t think I need to be. What I do need is to make sure I’m not letting temporary purchases and consumerism get in the way of my long term goals. I LOVED seeing all the different ways I could do that in my life, and I’m hoping to carry what I’ve learned from this experiement into the rest of my year. With that being said, as of February 1st, 2020, my net worth is         


Are you kidding me???? Almost a $1,500 difference between this month and last month. It is so nice to be able to SEE hard work paying off. This is especially encouraging because I know the next two months I’m choosing to take trips, so I’m not going to be as aggressive in my debt paydown. Regardless, I’m going to try my hardest to celebrate the big wins and the itty bitty wins.

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